Thursday, February 14, 2008

My special Valentines

Since David's birthday is today, I wanted to let you all know how much I love this man! He is my best friend and the love of my life! I am so grateful to spend eternity with him. He can make me laugh so hard, everyday! He is the best husband and father. I love him more today than the day we were married. He has given me the best gift ever, Isabel, and I couldn't be happier.

I love you so much David. Thank you for making life so special and fun.

My friend, Lisa posted pics of her favorite days, so I thought I would share mine. It was so touching to see him hold Isabel in his arms and give her the sweetest blessing, she is so lucky to have a daddy like him!


The Stanley's said...

You are a beautiful Bride! It's so fun looking at wedding pics and remembering that day. Your post was really sweet, oh and Happy b-day David!