Well, we still don't have Isabel's hearing all straightened out. Long story short, she has never passed hearing tests on both ears at the same time. So we took her in to an audiologist out here and they showed flat tympanograms in both ears (measures movement of ear drum- flat one means there is most likely fluid in the middle ear, which we have suspected to be the problem all along). Now that the fluid hasn't drained yet, or keeps coming back, they want to put tubes in. So we saw a pediatric ENT yesterday, and because she has SUPER small ear canals (thanks Grandma Gillespie:), they couldn't even see her ear drums to see if there was fluid. But going off the tympanograms, they say they need to get tubes in her ears. Well the doctor didn't think he could get them in with such small ear canals, so he brought in another doctor who said he could do it, no problem.
So we don't know what to do. We are nervous about putting her in the hands of doctors who weren't even sure they could put them in and don't even know for sure what they are dealing with. I know people have the surgery done all the time, but we are nervous about the anesthia and about any complications they would have with her ears and hearing. I know she can hear, but I just don't know how much she can hear of the crisp speech sounds. I want her to have the best foundation of hearing so her speech develops properly, but we are nervous and scared if something were to happen in surgery. I guess we just need to do what we think is best, and leave the rest up to Heavenly Father. If we are making the best decision we can, then I have faith he will keep her safe and healthy. It is so scary when it is your own child. I wish they came with a manual and step by step guide, but then it wouldn't be called parenting, right?
Currently Crushing On.
11 hours ago
Ooh... Poor Isabel! That is a tough decision. I don't know what I would do either and I would be worried just the same as you. Good Luck and I am sure everything will turn out okay!
Oh my goodness. Here I was complaining about kambryn and going to the doctor's and you were going through the same thing pretty much. Sorry! Let me know if you need anything. Let's just get our "troubled" cute girls together and they can play!
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